Democrat’s Crypto War Could Cost Them Election: Winklevoss Twins

• The Winklevoss Twins, Tyler and Cameron, predict that Democrats will lose votes in upcoming elections due to their anti-crypto agenda.
• They argue that this “war on crypto” will cost the Dems the 2024 US presidential election and alienate an entire generation of would-be Democrats.
• The Democratic establishment may not understand how their actions could impact young voters.

Winklevoss Twins Warn of Crypto Blowback

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are predicting that Democrats will face blowback from voters after taking an anti-crypto stance. The Gemini co-founders took to Twitter to explain why they believe the „war on crypto“ could cost the Democratic Party the 2024 US presidential election.

Alienating Young Voters

The twins suggest that this policy decision will turn off a key demographic for the party: young voters. According to them, millennials and Gen Z already have won over hearts and minds when it comes to cryptocurrency – so much so that many have invested their life savings into it. As such, they won’t forget about the potential value destruction caused by Senator Warren or Gary Gensler if these policies go through.

Establishment Ignorance?

The Winklevoss brothers suggested two possible explanations for why members of the Democratic establishment may be pursuing this course of action: either they don’t understand crypto or they’re miscalculating how it might affect youth vote in upcoming elections.

Costing Republicans Votes Too

The twins remind us of another significant instance where a policy decision lost one political party votes: Roe v Wade cost Republicans midterms in 2018, according to Tyler’s tweet about Warren and Gensler’s „war on crypto“.


In conclusion, while members of the Democratic establishment may not care much for cryptocurrency themselves, they should be aware of how their decisions regarding it can cost them support among younger generations come voting time.